Patricia delivers a structured course in a cheerful inclusive environment. The classes are always entertaining, and she provides plenty of material for extra reading and study for students who want to undertake extension activities in their own time. Learning Spanish with Patricia in Highgate Hill is an institution!
Everything about Spanish Learning Centre and its head teacher, Patricia.
A little about the language and where it’s spoken, as well as what’s happening in Brisbane with a Spanish or Latin flavour.
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Find how to get to SLC or enquire about courses, translation. or 0400638340
Aqui hablamos espanglish.
Some text pertinent to test 1.
Moving to another country is always difficult but not being able to speak their language adds to the fear. The only solution was for us to do some conversational Spanish lessons to get a basic knowledge of the language.
I felt so lucky to be introduced to Patricia’s valuable lessons.
At Spanish Learning Centre, I can’t wait for the class to come around each week.
Small, enthusiastic classes make learning Spanish a pleasurable challenge.
If only all courses could be so enjoyable!